Review Policies & Process
NPL adopts peer-review process and considers a rigorous process as a foundation for quality publication.
In order to maintain quality, we place emphasis on the Originality, Significance and Rigour of the submission. Originality is understood in terms of the innovative character of the study: whether it engages with new and/or complex problems; develops innovative research methods, methodologies and analytical techniques; provides new empirical material; and/or advances theory or the analysis of doctrine, policy or practice. Significance is assessed in terms of the submission’s contribution to adding new knowledge to the field in theory or practice and may be theoretical, methodological and/or applicable. Rigour refers to the methodological design, and robustness and appropriateness of the concepts, analyses, theories and methodologies deployed within the submission. Account should be taken of such qualities as the integrity, coherence and consistency of arguments and analysis, and the due consideration of ethical issues if any.
The articles to be accepted for publishing need to be those adding new knowledge or developing concepts, techniques or outcomes, demonstrating rigorous research design and techniques of investigation and analysis, and written with sound logic and clear presentation.
When submissions are received, the Editors assess whether they fit the scope of the journal and make a decision to reject or allocate for reviewing. The review process will then follow:
- Articles will be peer reviewed by two experts in the relevant fields
Once the revisions are complete, the revised manuscripts will be passed on to the Editor-in-Chief or the Associate Editors for the final decision.
The accepted articles are copyedited and proofread for publication on a rolling basis.
Following the COPE recommendations, editors shall assign any submissions they cannot handle (i.e. they are the author of an article or have a conflict of interest) to a member of the Editorial Board or a guest editor. The publisher is not involved in decisions to accept manuscripts.